July 8, 2010


I am so excited to receive this award from on of my new readers!

Vanessa and Nicholette from Craft Envy on of my most favorite craft blogs have given me this honor. It is so great to get to know more crafters out there in the blogging community.

What I do is list 7 interesting things about myself first. Here it goes:

1. I am brand new to the blogging world. I am like 3 months old in blogging years.
2. I have never read the Twilight series. I just moved to Utah a few months ago and seem to be one of the only ones. I still love Twilight Fans.
3. This past February I broke my right ankle and sprained my left and wasn't able to walk for about 3 weeks. I am so grateful for my amazing husband that helped me.
4. I am currently missing the pedal to my sewing machine and am having withdrawals.
5. I really look forward to the day some little person calls me "mom". That day will hopefully come soon.
6. My favorive date night with my husband is dinner and a movie, we love to go to the movies.
7. When we moved we left behind my parents and 2 of my siblings and my husband's parents and all of his siblings. WE MISS THEM!

Now, to continue
*Make sure you thank the person who gave you the award
*Copy and paste the award to your blog
*Tell 7 random things about yourself
*Pass the award on to 5-15 blogs you have recently discovered and let them know!

Now, the award goes to:
1. Sister's Stuff. I really love their blog and have been reading it for a long time.
2. House of Smith's. My sister-in-law told me about this blog and Shelly is excellent at home decor.
3. Mother Lode. We recently found each other through Tip Junkie
4. Stampalicious. Tara is fabulicious! I love to see all her paper crafting creations.
5. Zoo B Designs. They are great crafters and have the best stuff to buy!



  1. WOW! Thanks so much for the award! I'm totally thrilled! :)
    And honored.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!
    ~Shelley Smith

  2. Rachel...I was going to tell you about House of Smith's...isn't she fab!!! Love her decor!!
    thanks for the award! :0)
