May 31, 2010

A Crafter's Bucket of Good Clean Fun

Great Bridal Shower gift idea. I made this for a friend of mine.
Any new homemaker needs some good supplies to keep her house a home.

What you will need:

-A Bucket or Cleaning Caddy
(I found this one at Home Depot they also have a larger one)

-Cleaning supplies
I picked all green to go with the accents
Choose the ones you can't live without. The bride will love that

-Ribbon and a Flower or anything to give it a finished touch

Arrange the cleaning supplies in the bucket or caddy. Add your ribbon and flower using
hot glue or another good adhesive. You can also add cellophane with a ribbon holding it together for a more finished look. I gave mine as it is in the photo.



  1. I absolutely love the bucket idea for a shower gift. I wish I lived by you, you are so crafty!!
